So I try to keep my stories clean. I try not to be rude or offensive. I really want to raise my children to be polite and kind, and I believe that begins with our thoughts and is reflected in our speech. However, the following hilarious conversation with my 3-year-old just begs to be shared…
AG: Mom, I wanna ‘nack.
Me: Here… have a pear.
AG: No, I’m not eatin’ that.
Me: Why not?
AG: It’s a butt.
Me: What? It’s a pear. What are you saying?
AG: That’s not a pear. That’s a butt.
This argument continued for a few minutes, and she stood her ground. She chose an apple, insisting that the pear should not be eaten. So, dear reader… What do you say? Is it a pear? Or is it a butt?
I am afraid it does look a bit like a butt!!!
ROFL…I just got back from camp in Tennessee and I have to say I do believe that's a Pear Butt.