26 WEEKS!!!

Today, we have met a milestone–26 weeks gestation!! (I know my counter in the upper right corner is off by a day.) So every Monday, I will be rejoicing over yet another week completed and another week closer to a healthy delivery. We hope to make it to 35 weeks. I am secretly hoping we surprise everyone and make it to 37 weeks!!

I will endure the boredom & soreness that goes with bedrest to insure a healthier start for sweet Ainsleigh. (Did you know you can get sore from doing nothing?! How frustrating!)

If you’re interested in what 26 weeks gestation looks like, here is a link.

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    2 thoughts on “26 WEEKS!!!”

    1. hey there steph…if you get bored you can read this blog. This mom is on bedrest for placenta previa and some other words…(can’t remember how to spell them!)…and she starts a new week on Mondays. She’s actually in the hospital and has 11 kids at home. (they are a missionary family that is currently in CA for medical care) Anyway… here’s the link…

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