31 Weeks!!!

Well, we have made it another week! One week closer to a healthy baby. Our goal is to get to 35-36 weeks. That’s May 11th or May 18th. I have moments of confidence where I really BELIEVE we’ll be able to make it that far without any complications, and then I have moments of unexplainable FEAR where I just don’t know if we’ll make it another day. Please continue to pray for us through this time.

And here’s what’s going on at 31 weeks. This says she’s around 3.3 pounds, but I think (& hope) she’s bigger than that. We’ll have another ultrasound at our next appointment on 4/23. I hope she’ll be close to 4 pounds by then…

3 thoughts on “31 Weeks!!!”

  1. Are they going to give you steroids at a certain point to help her lungs mature? Not sure if they do that this far ahead…but since you don’t know when it will happen I was wondering if that was something they do. Just curious. Another week!! WOOHOO!

  2. Perfect love drives out all fear! Rest in the comfort that God loves you and Ainsleigh and is working every situation to the good of you both! Be encouraged and blessed and know you are surrounded with prayers and love!

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