I spent most of my day today in the Labor & Delivery section of the hospital being monitored. I woke up this morning to some substantial bleeding (sorry if TMI) & we hurried off to the hospital. Fortunately, the bleeding has stopped & I am having no contractions (which really surprised my dr). Baby’s heart rate is strong & she is active.
My doctor sent me home, on medication around the clock & stricter bed rest instructions. I had been up walking around a good bit during the day. He now says I need to only be up to shower & go to the bathroom. He says delivering past 32 weeks is okay, past 34 weeks is “gravy”. I would really LOVE to see this baby born sometime past 35 weeks with little or NO time in NICU. The risk of hemorrhage on my part is still there. TRUSTING GOD ONE DAY AT TIME!
Praying for you often, Steph. Let us know if there is anything we can do!!
Aw, how scary. Praying that you can continue on bed rest and let her bake a little longer. Now…stay IN bed!!
I’ve been on bedrest before…and with kids already born and occupying the house it isn’t easy!!
Stricter bedrest?!? Wow. Praying that the baby will hold out for a few more weeks.