Still waiting… but content with God’s timing…
My dr is moving me “out on the floor”. I have been in a labor & delivery room & well, that’s just not necessary at this point. The good news is that (1) I will only be hooked to monitors for an hour in the morning & an hour in the evening, and (2) I will have a mini-fridge to keep snacks in… However, I do not know whether wi-fi is available in that area of the hospital. I would guess that it is, but just in case you don’t hear from me…don’t panic. I’ll update as often as I can. I hope I have wifi b/c I hope to have a couple pics to share here as soon as DH brings me the USB cable for my camera!
Oh, and I am on the anemic side. I have never been anemic before, but this pregnancy has had me experiencing lots of things that I’ve never experienced before… Anyway, I will be starting iron supplements soon. {FUN!}
Wow, I bet you never thought you’d get this far!
I continue to pray for healthy baby and delivery. And for you to be able to rest.
Thank you sooooo much!!