5 Reasons I Will Continue to Blog & A New Year’s Resolution

Life with these Kids was born in 2008 from my love of writing and scrapbooking. My commitment and consistency have ebbed and flowed through the years. In fact, for the past year or so, I have even considered giving up the blog and writing altogether. I’ve allowed doubt,discouragement, and distraction to fill my head… and my heart.

However, after spending time in prayer, talking it over with my husband, getting advice from friends, and researching successful bloggers, I have decided to press on. I have decided to re-commit to writing and to this blog. That is why I have moved LWTK from blogger to a self-hosted wordpress blog.

5 reasons I blogIn my decision-making, here are the top five reasons I came up with for continuing this blog…

#1-I Love to Write!: I don’t remember a time when I didn’t enjoy writing. I love the feel of a pen in my hand. I am learning to love the feel of a keyboard under my fingers, but I admit that I sometimes write with pen and paper and type it out here later. Writing is a stress reliever for me. It allows me to be creative, to teach, to inform, to entertain, to encourage and inspire.

#2-We all need community.: I am an introvert. I can’t help it, and I no longer apologize for it. I love people, but I also get exhausted by too much (for me) interaction. I need to retreat and be alone on a regular basis. (My children do not yet understand this. Even the introvert-offspring doesn’t understand Mommy’s need for quiet time, even though that child takes plenty for himself.) Blogging gives me productive “down time”. I can be alone with my thoughts and share with you, my community, all at the same time.

#3-I don’t want to forget the important stuff.: I am really forgetful. It frustrates me, and it’s kinda scary as well. I mean, I’m not getting any younger… Posting regularly on a blog will help to preserve my memories.

#4-I Love to Teach! (Encourage & Inspire): I am a teacher by nature. I don’t remember a time when I didn’t enjoy learning (high school Geometry aside) and then sharing what I’ve learned. Even now, every time I learn something new, I look for people to share the information with. I guess my “walking encyclopedia” son gets it honest.

#5-I could use the accountability.: I have lots and lots and lots of things that I want to accomplish in life. My Pinterest boards give you just a glimpse of my list. The rest of it is in my head. But I am also pretty good at procrastinating. So… I hope that having readers expecting to hear from me will help me to be accountable to actually getting things done.

And so my New Year’s Resolution is not too hard to guess. I am recommitting to blogging. After all, the only people who truly fail at anything are those who give up, right?

I hope you will decide to become a part of the community here, that you’ll share in my memories, hold me accountable, be encouraged and inspired, and enjoy my writing.

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