Well, baby chicks, that is… Last year, JC partcipated in our local 4-H’s poultry chain. Each 4-H’er receives 25 “straight run” chicks. (That means an even mix of male & female.) The kids take care of them & in the fall, at the county fair, they’ll return 3 hens. The hens will be judged & then auctioned off to raise money for next year’s chain. The chicks are completely FREE. The 4-H’ers simply provide the housing, feed & care.
Here are all 3 of the kiddos picking up the chicks yesterday at the 4-H extension office…
This year, AJ (5) insisted that she should have her own chicks. We agreed. What were we thinking?! They should have received 25 chicks each, but the company usually adds an extra one to each batch. Well, somehow my kids came home with 27 & 28 chicks for a grand total of 55 SILVER LACED WYANDOTTES. Here is what they look like now…
Here is what they should look like in a few months…
“Free”!! Oh boy, oh boy! We have 13 chickens, I can’t imagine trying to manage 55.