Our Routine 08-09

I am sure some of you are still getting into your homeschool routines. I know some people are very routine oriented while others may be more “day-by-day”, and it all depends on your family and what works best for your life-style. This week please post what your planned homeschool routine is.

So that is the assignment for the week. Last week, I shared a bit about using Managers of their Homes (MOTH) to create a schedule for my family. Although we don’t adhere to it 100% every day (hardly any day, actually) it has helped us greatly to accomplish the important things in life. You can find out more about MOTH at http://www.titus2.com/.

I tried to print our schedule in columns, but it didn’t work and I got tired of trying. I hope you can make sense of this. My kids are JC (11), AJ (almost 5) and AC (2).

  • 6am-Bible study, kids sleeping
  • 6:30am-Exercise (ha! but it’s a goal), kids sleeping
  • 7am-Begin morning chores, kids sleeping usually but AC is sometimes up
  • 7:30am-Shower/get dressed, kids make beds & get dressed, JC11 tends to animals
  • 8am-Eat breakfast/Brush teeth & hair (everybody)
  • 8:30am-Preschool w/ girls (almost 5 & 2), JC works independently on Bible & Math
  • 9am-One-on-One variable study w/ JC, girls listen to music in bedroom
  • 9:30am-Beyond Five in a Row w/ JC, girls listen to story or color at table
  • 10-Morning Snack & Bible (everybody)
  • 10:30-Easy Grammar & Spelling w/ JC, girls play w/ preschool box (see previous post)
  • 11am-Chore Training/Lunch Prep, kids practice their training by completing chores
  • 11:30-Lunch Prep/Lunch, kids finish chores & eat lunch
  • 12 noon-Read Aloud-Science or History
  • 12:30pm-Personal Reading or Computer time, JC does copywork/journal/sketch, girls rest
  • 1pm-rest (everybody)
  • 1:30-rest/lesson plans, kids still resting
  • 2pm-prep snack, kids get up & tidy bedrooms & living room (sometimes later b/c I let them sleep)
  • 2:30-laundry (everyone helps, little ones match socks & fold washcloths)
  • 3pm-computer, JC takes the girls outside to play
  • 3:30-PE (this doesn’t happen like I planned either)
  • 4pm-work on to-do list, JC does math drills on the computer, girls watch TV
  • 4:30-Dinner Prep, JC has free time, girls have preschool box but DH is usually home by now so 4pm forward could change according to his whims. 🙂
  • 5pm-Dinner Prep, kids do chores
  • 5:30pm-Dinner (everybody)
  • 6pm-Bookkeeping/Prep 4 tomorrow, DH supervises dinner clean-up, all kids help
  • 6:30pm-Tidy Bathroom & Bedroom while girls are in tub, JC has free time
  • 7pm-Family Read Aloud (everybody)
  • 7:30pm-Time w/ girls while JC is bathing
  • 8pm-Personal Reading, JC has time w/ Dad, girls are in bed
  • 8:30pm-Prep 4 Tomorrow, JC reads in bed for a while
  • 9pm–ideally, bedtime for mom but doesn’t always happen

We are still tweaking it a little here & there. I am trying to figure out how to work PE into an earlier part of the day. But I have learned to make this the goal, and I don’t stress about the things we don’t get done. Of course, it also changes on day when we have activities away from home. Here are our variables–

  • Every 1st Tuesday of the month, JC has art class from 9am-11:30am. The girls & I shop, run errands, visit the library.
  • Every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month, the girls have “Preschool Days” with my cousins children that are the same age from 10am-12:30pm.
  • Every last Friday of the month, we have park day with our homeschool group from 2-4pm.
  • We also have field trips tossed in for good measure, and weekends are always looser.
  • MWF–JC studies Spanish & Botany
  • Tuesdays-JC works on Presidents Notebook
  • Thursdays-JC is supposed to study an artist or composer (I haven’t got this together yet)

I also have a chore schedule that we haven’t mastered yet, but it is a great goal. And my kids are learning not to say “I’m bored” b/c I always have a list handy of things they can do. 🙂

My prayer for the year is to be INTENTIONAL! Psalm 90:12 says, “Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” I have avoided this scheduling method for years, and I have wasted many days. It is my prayer that our days will be intentional & that we would make the most of them for His kingdom that we may “gain a heart of wisdom”.

2 thoughts on “Our Routine 08-09”

  1. Amen on the prayer of being “Intentional” this year! That is what I have been pondering in my head the past few weeks. I don’t have the schedule like you, but still I want to be purposeful and to make the most of our time. I think I will have to turn that over to God and commit it to prayer. 🙂 Who knows….I may wind up schedule, yet. (or He will show me how to be intentional on the fly, like I am used to!!)

  2. I need to work exercise into my routine soon. 😀 I got out of it last year after 2 car accidents that put me on my back.

    Thanks for sharing your routine! I have been trying to use FlyLady’s cleaning schedule more now and it helps quite a bit for the house.

    Have a great weekend!

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