A Day at the Zoo

Actually, the title should be “Two days at the Zoo”. We have visited the zoo here in Shell twice this summer with two different teams.

These are photos from our first visit to the zoo with First Baptist, Brookhaven.

Got our buddies and ready to go!

Rosa and Ainsleigh heading into the jungle. Notice the “no hunting” sign on the left side of the trail.

Ecuador is home to many indigenous tribes. There are several similar huts like this one along the trail with information about each different tribe.
Covered bridge on the hiking trail

Do not give candy to the animals!

Fearless Martin!

The Giant Treehouse
Thalia, Ainsleigh & Rosa

Hubby, AC, Greis, Jhulissa, Rubi and Tatiana

Stay tuned for pics and stories from the 2nd trip!

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