A Forever Family–The Peppers

Our dear, sweet friends, the Peppers, waited for over a year to be able to travel to Shell to pick up their daughter, Rosa!

They spent three weeks here in the “bonding” phase of the adoption. We were so excited, because they stayed in the Nate Saint apartment right next door! We got to spend lots of quality time with them during their stay.

There are so many steps and hoops to jump through during an adoption, I know they were thrilled when they received Rosa’s new birth certificate (with her new last name) last week along with approval to travel to Quito. They have finally reached the last step before leaving the country. Their flight leaves tonight.

Join us in praising the Lord for His grace thus far in the Pepper’s adoption journey. Pray for safe travel and that the transition to a family of 5 (Big Brother is waiting in the US) will continue to be a smooth one.

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