A Trip to the Zoo

Ahhhhhh! Home at last. Jeff had a meeting today in Hattiesburg and asked us to tag along. While he was in his meeting, the kids and I strolled around Target, BooksAMillion and Pet Smart. They were so well-behaved, and we had no accidents from the newly potty-trained one. 🙂

We picked Jeff up from his meeting and enjoyed a picnic lunch in Kamper Park which ajoins the small city zoo there. The weather was unusually cool today. August in Mississippi is usually unbearable, but today was very pleasant–low 80s, low humidity and nice breezes.

The kids played a little while in the park & then we spent about an hour in the zoo. It is small, but I can hardly complain considering we spent less than $20 for admission into the zoo plus a train ride plus a carousel ride!! I think that’s a bargain. And to make the day even better–the girls slept almost the whole way home!! 🙂

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