About Me

Life with these Kids

Hi, I’m Stephanie–Christ-follower, wife to Jeff and veteran homeschool mom of many. 

I would like to help you make the most of your homeschool days. Balancing the duties of wife, mom, and teacher can be difficult. I’m here to share all that I’ve learned (and continue to learn) in my 20+ years of being a homeschool mom.  

I love to encourage other mothers to make the most of their days. Need help with schedules, lesson plans, goal setting, and household management? I’m your girl. I’ll share what’s worked for us and what hasn’t. 

Married for 27 years with four biological children that have been homeschooled from birth, a dozen foster children, two international exchange students, many nieces and nephews, previous day care ownership and preschool teaching, plus more than 20 years of student ministry have given me a LITTLE BIT of experience with A LOT of kids. 

For fun, here are a few random things about me. 

  1. I love hot tea. Chai, oolong, and guayusa are my faves.
  2. I love quiet mornings before the rest of the house wakes up. 
  3. I’m super indecisive. 
  4. My first time on an airplane was in 2012 when our family moved to Ecuador. 
  5. I’m bilingual (mas o menos). 
  6. I’m a habitual list-maker. I love them, and usually lose them. LOL
  7. I’m a semi-crunchy mom & try to raise my family as naturally as possible.
  8. I have been homeschooling for 20 years with no end in sight as the youngest member of our household is 3 years old.
  9. I am a bibliophile. I love the feel and smell of a real book in my hands.
  10. My life’s mission is to serve Christ by serving others. (Easier said than done!)

I’m so glad you’re in my tiny corner of the web. I hope you find something useful here on my blog that will bless and encourage you as you serve your family.

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