Above & Beyond

JC has been taking piano lessons for a little more than a year now. And since then, he has had to practice his lessons at the church. We have been blessed to live near enough to the church that he could practice every day, but it has really taken time out of our daily schedule & time away from our regular school work to get his practices in. We have hoped to be able to purchase an electric piano for home. We didn’t think we could afford a regular one, and when he started lessons, we didn’t have room for one. Now that we’ve moved, we have the space. Although, I didn’t think we could ever afford a real piano.
JC mentioned just a month or so ago that he really wished we had a piano at home. I told him that was something he would need to pray about it. I haven’t asked him he did or not, but I know that I personally only remember one time mentioning to God that it would be nice to have a piano for the house.
I have been reminded again that He cares about EVERYTHING that we care about. And He has blessed us above and beyond anything we could have imagined! Through a series of “chance” happenings (although I don’t really believe in chance), we were able to trade DH’s Total Gym (which he has only used a handful of times) for an old but beautiful upright piano. It has taken a place of prominence in our living room, and the children are thrilled!
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21

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