Adoption Updates

All of us here at Casa de Fe realize the importance of children experiencing a “normal” family life with father, mother and children. In fact, that is one of the reasons we are so passionate about eventually having individual homes built on the Casa de Fe property with house parents to parent the Casa de Fe children in family groups of 6-8 kids per house.

In the meantime, the staff here at Casa de Fe have been praying on a regular basis for the children of Casa de Fe to be reunited with their biological families; when that is not possible, we have asked the Lord to work things out that the children can be made adoptable and have a chance to be part of a family.

Adoption in any country is almost always a slow process. It is especially slow here in Ecuador, where the slowest part of the process is actually making the child legally adoptable. Very often, families may not want to raise their child, but they refuse to give up their parental rights. We often have trouble even locating birth parents, and paperwork (especially when dealing with jungle families) can be a near-nightmare.

But the Lord continues to prove Himself faithful. Last summer, we saw the completion of Rosita’s adoption. She went home to Mississippi as a member of the Pepper family. The sweetest thing about Rosita’s adoption for my family is that her family are personal friends of ours, so we will always be able to keep in touch with her!

I told you about Jhan Alex, now named Samuel. He is thriving in his new home with Mom, Dad and Big Brother right here in Shell. He still needs his lip/palette repaired, but look how big he’s gotten!

I also told you about our dear, sweet Edison a few months ago. I told you about the financial need that his family had, and I believe that several of you showed compassion and generosity by giving. I am excited to report that Edison’s family is making great progress, and we are hopeful that they will be able to travel this summer to take him home! Here is a link to a beautiful video put together by Edison’s waiting family. You can also still make donations to help them complete the adoption process.

He brings beauty from ashes…

In this crazy, ugly world, what a beautiful thing adoption is! Ephesians 1:5-6 says, “He predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of His will, to the praise of His glorious grace, with which He has blessed us in the Beloved.” 

The Lord may hate to see families broken, but I assure you that He loves adoption! It is what He has done for us. Through the precious blood of His Only Son, He has grafted us into His family to be joint-heirs with Christ. So our prayers are two-fold: 1, Lord, let these children have forever families here on earth and 2, Lord, may they know salvation through Christ alone to be a part of your eternal family.

Will you join me in praying for these children and the 65+ others at Casa de Fe?

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