And We’re Off…

In the wee hours of May 19, our family took what some have called a “huge leap of faith”. Hubby and I were up by 1 a.m. and ALL of the children were wide awake before the van arrived to take us to the airport at 2 a.m. We were delivered to the airport in New Orleans by 4 a.m. where we met up with the short-term team from our home town.
Everyone was still awake.

Our flight left New Orleans on schedule at 6 a.m. The 23 of us traveled together to Shell, Ecuador where the short-term team would spend two weeks and our family of six will spend the next two years. What a blessing to have friends to travel with!

Everyone was still awake…

Our first stop was Miami. This is how we spent our SIX hour layover…

You’ll notice only TWO of our SIX-member family napped.

From Miami, we had a 3 hour 45 minute flight to Quito, Ecuador. Quito is the world’s third largest city and is about 9500 feet above sea level. Altitude sickness (headaches, nausea, shortness of breath) is pretty common. The best advice is to take it easy, go slow, and drink lots of water before and during your travel.

We spent the night in Quito at a missionary guest house and traveled by bus the next morning to Shell. The bus ride is typically five hours including bathroom breaks. Ours was a bit longer because we stopped in Ambato (halfway home) at the “regular grocery store” to do some shopping. I wish I had thought of taking my camera into the store. It is the closest thing to a Super-Walmart I’m likely to see in this country.

The ride home provided tons of amazing photo ops. Beautiful scenery… makes me wonder how anyone can deny a Creator…

More of this story coming soon…

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    2 thoughts on “And We’re Off…”

    1. Oh my goodness Steph! How amazing! What beautiful scenery! I've been praying for all of you since you mentioned your venture a year or so ago. Please keep updating!


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