Back in the USA!

Four weeks ago today our family left our home in Shell, Ecuador where we had served at Casa de Fe for more than two years. It was bittersweet–saying good-bye to wonderful friends that we considered family, yet knowing that we would soon be seeing all the friends and family that we had left behind.

I was concerned about returning to the US after such a long time away. Would we like it? Would we hate it? Would we fit in? We’ve all changed. What if we no longer had anything in common with our friends and family? Would the kids adjust well to their new surroundings? No worries. By God’s grace, we are all thriving…blooming where we’re planted…learning to be content.

We arrived in Houston where Dwight’s parents met us with hugs, snacks, and a vehicle. 

Abi guarded the snacks as we traveled. 

“Thanks, Gammy!” (Johnathan’s Gammy, that is.)

Breakfast at Chik-fil-a. They don’t have these in Ecuador!

Enjoying their old bed in their new room.

Getting my hair cut was top priority on my list of ‘things to do’. Twelve inches donated to Locks of Love. 
AG5 has learned to ride a bike without training wheels. 

And we were given a puppy.

The girls participated in our local little theater’s production of Sleeping Beauty. JC17 helped backstage after he spent his first week at a leadership camp at Mississippi College. 

Good Southern food!
Nothing beats a fresh Georgia peach!

We’ve had several outings to the library.

We visited the local splash park
And found this park right beside the splash park. This wasn’t here two years ago.
Family reunion

Tilt-a-whirl at the local fair with the cousins

More tilt-a-whirl fun!
Kiddie carousel… Reminded us of Ecaudor! 😉

So…do we miss Ecuador? ABSOLUTELY! But we are learning to take one day at a time, to enjoy life as it comes, to NOT worry about tomorrow, to trust HIM for today.

11 Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. 12 I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. ~Philippians 4:11-12

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