
So much to share and so little time… Actually, I sometimes put off sharing news here because I just can’t wrap my mind around it all. This job can be overwhelming at times. Who am I kidding? It’s almost always overwhelming…physically, emotionally and spiritually exhausting.

Last week, we buried sweet Santiago. I posted his story months ago when he was brand new at Casa de Fe. After a week or so in the hospital fighting pneumonia, his little body gave up and gave out. It is heartbreaking, and at the same time, it is wonderful. Bitter and sweet. This child that was born into this world incomplete is now made whole. He is healed for all eternity, and I am sure he sits at the feet of Jesus. As painful as it is to see that little life gone from earth, I rejoice knowing I’ll see him again someday.

And sweet Baby Ruth is still in a hospital in Quito five hours away. Patti Sue is with her, and the time away from home, John Paul, Casa de Fe and all things comfortable and familiar is taking its toll. Please continue to pray for her as she tends to the needs of Ruth and does her best to make the right decisions for her. The sweet baby who we’ve only known a few weeks has been sick since she came to us. I also posted her story shortly after she arrived at Casa de Fe. Her situation has been very much like a roller coaster ride, and not a fun one. One day she is greatly improved, and the next day she has taken a turn for the worst. And back and forth it has gone. We don’t know what will happen with Ruth, but we are asking everyone we know to PRAY, PRAY, PRAY! Pray for the Lord’s will to be done and for His glory to be shown.

At the time of this writing, she has taken another turn for the worst and is back on the ventilator. The doctors don’t hold out much hope for her and actually suggested that we reduce her meds, and let her go. After a meeting between the doctors and Patti Sue this morning and much prayer, the decision has been made that Ruth’s meds will be left as they are but a DNR order has been put in place.

Anyone who’s had a sick child or been sick themselves knows that hospitalization creates a financial burden for the family. The same is true here at Casa de Fe. I am constantly amazed that the $33,000 each month that is needed to feed, clothe and take care of the daily needs of the Casa de Fe kids is always provided. But I am asking you, my friends, to prayerfully consider giving a special gift to the medical fund set up through CornerStone International established to help ease the burden that caring for these two sick children has created. Even a small gift can make a big difference.
Thanks in advance for considering a financial gift, and thanks for your continued prayers.
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. ~2 Corinthians 4:7-9
UPDATE: Baby Ruth’s heart stopped beating Tuesday morning, March 19th. She was buried here in Shell yesterday afternoon, March 20th. She wasn’t healed the way we had hoped, but she is healed nonetheless. Thank you for your continued prayers. Your financial contributions are also appreciated, as we still need to pay the medical bills.

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