Camp Dixon 08

Camp Dixon has quickly become one of my family’s favorite events of the year. Every October, our state homeschool association sponsors this weekend retreat. Homeschool families come from all over the state (& one family that moved to Florida several years ago still makes the trek back each year) to enjoy a weekend of good, clean family fun!

There are several accomodations to choose from. Some bring their tents, others bring pop-up or pull-behind campers, and still those less-adventurous folks like myself choose the “motel-style” rooms or the bunk-style cabins.

From Thursday evening until Sunday morning, there is plenty of free time & fellowship with friends we only get to see once or twice a year…along with a bon-fire, a 5K & 1mile race/walk and ending with a casual outdoor worship service on Sunday morning. It is a wonderful time of refreshing, and I am looking forward to next year’s already…

Winners from the Saturday morning races. DH placed 2nd in the 20-40 year old group. He is the short, bald guy in the middle of the back row.

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