This was the day after she got the cast. She didn’t stay on the couch very long… Don’tcha just feel so sorry for the little darling?! (NOT!)
And then there was Christmas… for EIGHT! WOW! It was a lot of fun!
These are the four “early birds”. (And I know it looks sparse under the tree, but all the riding toys were hiding on the back porch!)
Oh, and just before Christmas, like the day before…On Christmas Eve, #7 started running a temp, then #8 was running a temp within a day or so. We ended up spending ELEVEN days quarantined with some crazy virus whose only symptoms were coughing & high fever for 5-7 days! That’s right, 7 of the 8 came down with it & while several of their days overlapped, they weren’t all sick at the same time. That was good in that I had fewer sickies to tend to. It was bad in that it meant that we were all quarantined longer.

If you know them, you would know they must be sick in this picture because they NEVER share space like this. They are pretty jealous of each other most of the time, and AG is very territorial. I hated that they were sick, but this was a sweet moment too.
And for New Year’s, half the kids were still sick so we did NOTHING special.
And then last week, this guy turned 5. His birthday & his cousin’s are only a day apart, so we celebrated with one party. Notice the #3 and #5 candle on the counter…