Christmas Day 2012

And yes, I know that it’s almost Easter…. better late than never, right?!

Christmas Day here in Shell started like a normal Christmas Day in the States. We started the morning with homemade cinnamon rolls/muffins (gluten-free this year), read the Christmas story and opened our gifts. I love that we limit gifts to 3 each. I think the kids really appreciate the things they receive more than if they received more.

So…gluten-free cinnamon rolls look different. They taste different too. We’ll be looking for a different recipe next year.
New clothes! So much more special when you haven’t gotten any in 6+ months!

AJ specifically requested a hymnal “like we had in church”, and we are so very thankful to the visiting team member that brought this for her!

Ordered from Vision Forum, this is the story of Valerie Elliot’s childhood (daughter of Jim & Elizabeth Elliot) growing up in the jungles of Ecuador among the Waodoni people. 
Jesse has a real interest in Biblical history and archeology, so he received a few videos and books.

So this is not a great quality pic, but it is a great picture because it totally captures her excitement at receiving the exact Lego Friends set that she requested.

Legos, legos & JC with chocolates in the background. He had not yet opened them to find CASH!
AG and her new baby doll.
AJ showing off a gift for the entire family–Dance Central 3 for the XBox Kinect.
Mid-morning, we headed to Casa de Fe to continue the celebration with the kids and staff there.

We had so many pics from Casa de Fe, I decided to put them into a slideshow…

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