Okay, so there haven’t been updates because I haven’t accomplished anything. In fact, I have probably taken a couple steps back. Hubby has been out of town 10 of the past 14 days. I thought I’d be able to keep up, but I haven’t. I just haven’t been able to get out of the house to run. Take the kids, you say? haha…haha…haha… Funny!
I have very sporadically been doing T-tapp. I am very disappointed in myself for not keeping up over the past two weeks. So here are my options: give up and feel sorry for myself OR pick myself up, dust myself off and start all over again. Yes, I think I’ll take Option #2!
Hopefully, I’ll have a much better (and productive) update next week!
Yay for option #2! If you have a race planned to go to at the end of your training you can always walk if you have to! Keep it up, can't wait to read about your successes to follow
Following from the crew