Monday: This was a day “off” from the regular C25K plan. So I did T-tapp. But, I only did the primary back stretch. I critiqued Hubby’s form while he finished the workout.
Tuesday: Since I had such a terrible time with week1, I decided to repeat it this week. I actually did NOT complete any of the full workouts last week, so I just didn’t feel ready to move on to week 2. Hubby ran with me this morning. I was surprised that he did not take off and leave me. (Did I mention that he loves to run and has run several 5K’s and has completed some faster than the 20-somethings running?) He stayed with me, and I’m really glad he did. Even though I found the sound/rhythm of his shoes annoying (I’m OCD for crying out loud! And his steps were out of sync with mine!), I really needed to have him there to keep me going. I would have walked right through several of the run sessions if he had not been there. I only skipped the last two runs, because I really needed the extra walking time to cool down.
Wednesday: I got on the scale for the first time in a reaaaalllly long time this morning. I knew it would be bad, but I had no idea it would be this bad! I am SEVEN pounds heavier than I was 6 weeks or so ago!! Okay, so reality check! The jeans that I could slide on and off without unsnapping have NOT shrunk… So, what to do??? Whine about it? Well, yes I think I will… Okay, not really. This is the last time you’ll hear about it.
For exercise today, I did Primary Back Stretch from T-tapp and I have done a couple sets of Hoe-Downs. These handy-dandy exercises take about three minutes and can lower your blood sugar levels up to 85 points! We all know that too much sugar gets stored as fat, so I am now doing hoe-downs after each meal or sugary snack.
Thursday: C25K day! Week 1 Day 2–We started with T-tapp’s Primary Back Stretch. Hubby ran with me again this morning. Apparently, my app doesn’t know that I can read text messages and run at the same time. As Iwas reading messages this morning, my app closed, so we lost the second half of our workout. Although we did do running intervals, they may not have been timed exactly right. I still don’t really like this workout, but I am getting better at it. (Oh, and the scale was down a pound this morning!)
Friday: I did a complete T-tapp workout, felt great! And then spent the afternoon in Jackson with Hubby and some friends. Great Day!
Saturday: Today was supposed to be a C25K morning, but I have once again abused my feet to the point that I have a cracked heel. I could barely walk this morning, much less run… I am actually a tad bit disappointed, but I am determined to pick it back up on Monday morning.
Sunday: Church! No workout!
Love T=Tapp! I am following from TOS Crew. Thank you for sharing your journey. Blessings!