Couch to 5K–Week 6 Update

Monday: I started the week off good. Hubby and I walked/ran 1.5 miles! My short-term goal is to be able to run half of that soon. I will work towards walking .75 miles out and running the .75 miles back. We also did T-Tapp Primary Back after our run/walk.

Tuesday:  T-Tapp Basic Workout is all I managed to get done. 🙁

Wednesday: I had great intentions once again, but here’s the deal–I’m not gonna cut Bible study short for any reason, so I lost track of time and little girls woke up early. The combination meant no outdoor walk/run, but I did do the 24 minute T-tapp Step Away the Inches video before breakfast! 🙂

Thursday: I don’t even remember if I worked out this morning, but I know I had planned for Hubby & me to take a walk/run after dinner. That didn’t happen once the Dept of Human Services called to ask us about adding two little girls to our family. WOW! I have been praying for months that God would bring ONLY those children that He had ordained to be a part of our family (short-term or long-term) into our home as foster children. Several possible and hopeful placements have fallen through. I trust that God has them here for a reason.

Friday: Everyone is still adjusting to a new routine. And our new family members are early risers–no running this morning.

Saturday: A long list of things to do today and a couple of early rising little girls means NO WALK/RUN!

Obstacles abound! But we will PRESS ON!

Sunday: REST!

We’re off to a good start for week 7!

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