Falling Behind…

…with everything EXCEPT the 30-Day Shred!! JC & I did Day 4 this morning, shortly after breakfast. And thank goodness we decided to do it early, because life happened. Fussy baby, housework screaming to be done from the neglect over the weekend, SNOW,

(a snowflake on JC’s glove)

and two very busy (read that, mess-making) little girls… So not much schoolwork got done today either. The little girls didn’t really do anything except color, but they also were NOT in front of the TV so that’s okay.

Healthier eating habits got started today. I did my grocery shopping EARLY this morning with AJ. She did slow me down quite a bit, but she enjoyed it & knowing that makes me smile. We stocked up on fruits & veggies, fresh & frozen. I have been enjoying GREEN SMOOTHIES again on a more regular basis & using them to curb my cravings for sweets. I also use them as meal replacements for breakfast & lunch & then have a “reasonable dinner” with the family. If I get hungry later (or start craving something sweet), I keep a bit of smoothie in the freezer. They make great popsicles!! Not sure about green smoothies, here’s a post from last year about them.

And the best news of all for this 30-Day Shred thing–the scale was down 2.5 pounds this morning!! That’s just since January 1st!!

Now, we are behind in schoolwork. It’s Monday, and I had to grocery shop & because DH promised AJ she could go with me, I was later getting done than usual. I can usually nurse the baby early (between 5:30 & 6:30), put her back to bed & go grocery shopping ALONE! I can usually be back, showered & dressed by the time the kids are up, but not today…

And I am behind on Reading the Bible in 90 Days, mostly b/c the idea is to read it ATTENTIVELY… Early shopping that took too long meant the kids were up by the time I got home, which meant there was NO quiet time left to do my reading. I did a little during nap time today, but not enough. I’m planning to go to bed REAL SOON & try to catch up on my reading. DH is pretty good about putting the littles to bed to let me have some quiet time at the end of the day.

Thank God that His mercies are new every morning! (Lamentations 3:22-23)

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    2 thoughts on “Falling Behind…”

    1. Good job on the shredding!!! By the way- is that a real snow flake? I live in AZ and snow is very rare to me. I have been in it before but that little snowflake looks perfect! Too cool!

    2. Yes, that is a real snowflake. We live in South Mississippi & rarely see snow as well. We were amazed at how perfect these little things seemed.

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