I wrote previously about our favorite day of the week in our homeschool–Fun Friday! I can’t tell you how glad I am that I decided to give it a try.
We look forward to Friday every week. Yes, it’s the last day of the week and the start of the weekend. But our anticipation is more than that. Fun Friday is a fresh break from the norm, a chance to study different subjects using different approaches.
So what do you do on Fun Friday, exactly? The beauty of homeschooling is tailoring your days to suit your family’s needs. Just like there is no formula for having a perfect homeschool day (as hard as we sometimes try), there is also no way to have a perfect, cookie-cutter Fun Friday. But here are some fun ideas of things to include in your Fun Fridays to make them pretty great!
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Read Something Together
We love to curl up with a good chapter book. Comic strips and audio books would work too. Here are a few of our favorites from this school year.
Watch Something Together
The more ways we can find to present information to our kids, the better. We often watch educational programs to supplement what we’ve been learning during our regular school days. You Tube, Netflix, and Pure Flix are good sources for educational videos. Documentaries and movies based on books are good too.
Here are a few of our favorites from this school year.
- Trumpet of the Swan
- Charlotte’s Web
- Liberty’s Kids: reinforced the early American history we studied this year
- Moody Science Videos: went along with our science studies
- The Inn of Sixth Happiness: the story of Gladys Aylward’s missionary experience in China
Create Something Together
Whether building with Legos or creating a piece of artwork, my kids love hands-on learning. Make music or food or plant a garden. We have plans to build a fairy garden soon.
Explore Together
Another Fun Friday idea is to get outside! Take a walk and explore nature–on your property or away from home. Draw the things you see on your walk in your nature journal. Take a field trip. Do some science experiments. Visit a local park or playground. Have a picnic, and read a book in a hammock.
Play Together
Outdoor games: I’m not very good at outdoor games, but my kids sure do enjoy them. They like to play Tag, Hide & Seek, and Basketball. They play in the woods, build forts, and have water balloon fights.
Board Games: Life and Battleship are their favorites, but they enjoy Pictureka and Clue too. My favorites are Sorry!, Trouble, and Blokus.
Card Games: We have a professional Uno player in the house, or so it seems. She’s crazy good at it and seems to win 9 out of 10 games. We like to play Old Maid and Spoons too.
Serve Someone Together
It doesn’t take much effort to find someone that you could bless with a random act of kindness. Grandparents are first on the list, but if those aren’t nearby, perhaps a neighbor would be blessed by a visit or a cookie delivery. Our son (JC20) volunteers once a month at our local nursing home during bingo time. And many a new mom would be blessed by a meal delivery.
Notice the key to Fun Friday in the headings above–TOGETHER. Yes, as homeschoolers, we’re together a lot. But part of what makes Fun Fridays so much fun (for me and the kids) is that I participate WITH them. So much of our schooling is me (mom/teacher) giving assignments. But Fridays are different, and that makes them Fun.
How about you? Have you tried adding any of these Fun Friday ideas to your homeschool? Do you schedule in a Fun Friday or a Terrific Tuesday or some other day of the week? Do you have other fun ideas to add?
I’m always open to trying something new. Let me hear from you in the comments.