Gluten-Free Cooking South of the Equator

Gluten-free cooking has turned out to be a tad bit easier here in Ecuador than it was in the US. There is an elaborate variety of gluten-free flours (harinas) available in our area–maiz, quinoa, yucca and others I have yet to translate.
My first new recipe to try here was for GF Chocolate Chip Cookies. I found the recipe…where else?… on Pinerest! The only two “odd” ingredients were rice flour and xantham gum. I actually planned ahead for once. Knowing that many GF recipes call for xantham gum, I brought a bag with us. 🙂 So then, I had to figure out how to get rice flour. It was pretty easy, actually. I just googled ‘how to make rice flour’ and came up with tons of options.

My homemade rice flour, ground in my Blen-Tec blender

Yummy GF Chocolate Chips!

The finished product
I made two different kinds of cookie–white chocolate craisin and chocolate chip. This was the only picture I had a chance to get. The kids ate the rest as fast as they came out of the oven. This recipe is definitely a keeper!
I’ve tried a couple other recipes the kids voted to keep. I’ll post them another day. 🙂

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