Goals, Dreams, Aspirations…for 2010!

I think those words sound so much better than resolutions, don’t you? I got a bit side-tracked with my goals for 2009 what with the bed-rest, Jeff’s new job, our move and the new baby. But we did make progress on most of them.

GOAL #1–DEBT-FREE IN 2010!! One of our goals for last year was to be completely debt-free by Dec 2009. We didn’t hit that mark, but I think we made really great progess especially when you consider all the extra expenses that came along with many extra trips to the OB (which is 60 miles away) and staying in Clinton to be near the hospital and then being in the hospital for nearly a month. So here we are in January 2010 and only $3000 away from being DEBT-FREE!!! I’m conservatively estimating that that could be paid by June, but I know we could do it faster if we stay focused!!

GOAL #2–GET THIN IN 2010!! Now that the last baby has arrived (& that is very sad for me to say), I have no excuses! Today I started Jillian Michael’s 30-Day Shred. I have a very short attention span, so I think this will work really well for me–20-minute circuit workouts. So far, so good. Ultimately, I would like to lose 35-40 pounds, but the bigger picture is to be fit and healthy to be able to enjoy my family.

GOAL #3–READ A PROVERB A DAY WITH THE CHILDREN BEFORE SCHOOL!! Has anyone else noticed that there are 31 chapters in the book of Proverbs? So that means one chapter of wisdom per day of every month!

GOAL #4–REGULAR DATES WITH MY HUBBY!! This will require his cooperation as well, but I am hoping he will work with me to make this a priority.

GOAL #5–KEEP LESSON PLANS AT LEAST A WEEK AHEAD!! It’s so easy to get side-tracked with “real life” and forget to do this, but our days go so much better when the lessons have been planned ahead of time.

GOAL #6–READ THE BIBLE IN 90 DAYS!! I had never heard of this idea until I was reading over at The Happy Housewife. I discussed it with DH this morning, and we have decided to give it a try. We’ll possibly be making a trip to LifeWay tomorrow to pick up our new Bible. A new Bible is not necessary, but we want to try out the program ourselves with the hopes of presenting it to our students, or possibly our whole church, once we’ve been through the program ourselves!

GOAL #7–READ-ALOUDS IN THE EVENING AGAIN!! We have enjoyed doing this in the past, but it is so easy to get off course when evening activities (aka, soccer season) begin to take over our lives. I really HATE the TV. I HATE everything it does to a family, but we still own one, and we even have satellite. (Which DH said we would get rid of, but we still have it & I’m trying NOT to nag.) Anyway, I would like to establish a routine of turning OFF the TV at least half an hour before bedtime in order to spend that time reading good literature with my children.

So these are my goals for 2010. What are yours? Need more inspiration? Head on over to The Happy Housewife to see what others have planned.

I found a few quotes for inspiration…
The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.
Ralph Waldo Emerson:
Good thoughts are no better than good dreams, unless they be executed.

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    2 thoughts on “Goals, Dreams, Aspirations…for 2010!”

    1. The Shred is AWESOME.. I did it for 30 days- lost 10lbs and inches off my waist and chest…
      I LOVE IT!!!

      I am so excited to go at it again…

      BTW-your babies are adorable- God Bless

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