Goals for 2009 #3

I know 2009 is not here yet, but we are “off” from school this week, so while I have a little time, I have gotten started with at least some plans for some of my goals.

I said I was going to purchase the digital scrapbooking software from Creative Memories, but I decided to wait on that purchase. I have not completed a scrapbook since 2002!! So I am just a little behind. Neither of the girls have baby books. Almost ALL of my pictures are on my computer just sitting there…waiting…

SO in order to get a lot of pages done quickly, I decided to purchase a one-month premium membership from Smilebox (for $5.99) where the layouts are already done. I simply choose teh layout I want & plug in my pictures. One month would give me time to see if I like it. After that, I can continue to pay $5.99/mo or purchase a one-year membership for $39.99. Actually, I get the first 2 weeks free, so I am actually getting about 6 weeks for the $5.99. (And remember, the price matters. Consider Goal #8–becoming debt-free in 09!)

I have been pleased, so far, with the pages I have done. I have been following the advice I was given when I first started scrapbooking in the 90s–start where you are! How many of us have tried to go back & start with a baby book for the first born that is 11 or 12? And then gotten sidetracked, distracted & discouraged b/c you couldn’t keep up with the current happenings? Well, that would be me… But, by starting with right now & working backwards, I have already gotten pages done for most of Dec 08–holiday parties, Christmas play, Christmas day, etc.

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    5 thoughts on “Goals for 2009 #3”

    1. if you are not a member, you can only save them on smilebox & share them via email or blog. If you are a member, you can print them from your computer, save them to your computer as JPGs (which I think means you could have them printed anywhere that prints photos), burn them to CD or DVD. I am not using every page in every pre-done book, so I will just print the pages I need here at home. I have printed one page already & have been pleased with the quality.

    2. Ok…so you are printing a page that is normal page size, right? (not a 12×12 size) Really curious because a friend just asked me today about scrapbooking software.

    3. I am printing 8 1/2 x 11 right now simply b/c it's quicker & I'm waaaaay behind, but *I think* places like kinko's, etc can print them any size you want, including 12×12.

    4. Hey…Love the idea; I am way behind in Scrapbooking too…Gonna have to look into that…Thanks for comment on laundry room too..guess I’ll have space to scrapbook soon; now if someone can just put pause on the clock so I can have time:)

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