Revisiting my goals for 2010… I must stay focused. Some days are easier than others, but here is how it’s going…
GOAL #1 was to be debt-free. We are on our way. Just this month, we cancelled our home phone and DirectTV for a $100/month savings. Our debt is down to about $2400. I FORGOT (seriously) about taxes & the possibility that we may actually get a refund. If we do, that will be applied to our debt and we may be FREE much sooner than I anticipated!
GOAL #2–THIN IN 2010–I completed the 30-day shred & lost 11 pounds. YAY! I am doing it again in February, but I must get my eating back in check. This week has not been so good.
GOAL #3–READ A PROVERB A DAY–Miserable failure! I actually forgot that I had made this a goal! Completely forgot about it! *smacking forehead*
GOAL #4–REGULAR DATES WITH HUBBY–We had one date in January & that was nice. Paying a sitter to keep 4 kids & then actually being able to afford to eat out or do anything else is a joke!
GOAL #5–KEEP LESSON PLANS AT LEAST A WEEK AHEAD–Doing so-so on this one. Could still use some improvement.
GOAL #6–READ THE BIBLE IN 90 DAYS–I am still sticking with this one, even though I am about a week behind on my reading. I have read farther into the Bible (when reading straight through) than ever before. I have read from Genesis to Judges since Jan. 1! I’m learning alot too & being reminded of some things I had forgotten.
GOAL #7–READ-ALOUDS IN THE EVENING AGAIN–Since we just cancelled DirectTV, I am hoping this will pick up again, naturally. We hosted our homeschool group’s game night last night & my kids really enjoyed it. They have been playing charades all day long, off and on.
James 1:4–Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
Thank you for the inspiration! I am going to revisit my resolutions to see how I am doing.
Keep up the good work.
Well, that's not too shabby! Good for you for revisiting them. Too often we just forget what our goals were and go on our way…wondering why we never accomplish anything.