Ha… I’m Published…

Kinda sorta…

If you haven’t discovered Malia Russell and the plethora of information available at Homemaking911, you are missing out. I subscribe to her FREE email newsletter & a few weeks ago, she asked what tips her readers had for getting more fruits and vegetables into the family’s diet. I responded with our newest discovery–GREEN SMOOTHIES. Malia published my comment on her website, and you can read it here.

Here are my kiddos showing off their green smoothie mustaches. For more information about green smoothies and better nutrition, check out Green Smoothie Girl.

Oh, and we are leaving tomorrow morning at 5am (yikes!) for a much needed, week-long vacation!! So if you don’t hear from me for a while, you’ll know why… :0)

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    2 thoughts on “Ha… I’m Published…”

    1. I hope you guys have a great vacation!! Branson is in our top ten places we hope to visit in the next few years. Hopefully you can come back with lots of suggestions and tips for us!

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