Happy 9th Birthday!

We celebrated this sweet girl’s 9th birthday this week. How is that even possible?!

She loves legos, and she loves to draw and color. Thankfully, I thought ahead and bought this huge box of crayons (120) and several lego add-on sets (after Christmas, on clearance) back in the States before our move. She loved them.

It is also our family tradition that the birthday kid gets to choose the meals for the entire day. She chose cereal for breakfast, homemade gluten-free mac & cheese for lunch and potato soup for dinner. I love this kid! Super easy meals for Mom to prep!

As my first-born daughter, she is my right hand. In fact, she helps to keep me in line and on task. I don’t know what I would do without her. I am so thankful that God saw fit to bless us with her!

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