Hubby is blessed (or is it cursed?) to have a birthday that occasionally falls on Father’s Day. This year, we celebrated by surprising him with a hand-made hammock–made by the hands of a jungle tribe member. (Please don’t ask which tribe. There are too many for me to keep up with & some tribes have more than one name.)
The mission guest house (for short-term groups) is run by HCJB, the organization that also runs the local hospital. Another service they provide is selling handmade items for the indigenous people. All sorts of jewelry, hammocks, spears and blow guns are available at reasonable prices. If I’m not mistaken, the items are made by those that have bills at the hospital. Items sold are credited to their accounts.
He originally hung the hammock downstairs in the schoolroom! I know it sounds crazy, but apparently, someone had one there before. The big hooks were already in the ceiling.
We did convince him to move the hammock outside.
In an effort to “keep it real,” here is our very real Father’s Day family photo.