We celebrated Valentine’s yesterday with our homeschool group. There were 60+ people in attendance, and we all had a great time. Unfortunately, I was so busy having fun & visiting with friends that I didn’t get many pictures. From top to bottom, Abi showing off her bag of “goodies”. The Valentine pencils we handed out instead of candy or paper cards. And Jeff’s favorite–a big bowl of conversation hearts.
The kids also used fabric markers to decorate quilt squares that will be sent to a lady in Tennessee. She puts the squares together to make a child-size quilt & then delivers them to battered women’s shelters. Children who come in with their mothers receive them. I really wish I had gotten pictures of the quilt squares because the kids did a great job on them, and I pray they’ll bring comfort to a child going through an uncomfortable situation.
“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.” 1 John 3:16
I edited this post to add this picture of the quilt squares that my friend, Samantha, was kind enough to send to me. 

My kids had so much fun! Your pictures are cute!