Help Edison Get His Forever Family

For various reasons, very few of the children at Casa de Fe are available for adoption.
This is Edison…

Edison is one of the few children that is available for adoption. The good news is that he has a forever family waiting in the United States to love and care for him. In fact, his hopefully-adoptive mother is fluent in sign language. This is a very good thing since Edison is deaf!
However, it is no secret that adoption is very expensive. It is one thing to be able to afford the daily care of a child, but it is a whole ‘nother ballgame to come up with $25-$30,000 to complete an adoption. This is what is holding up the adoption process for this family… Money!

I have always believed that there are no needs on this earth that the Lord can not meet. The Lord reminds us in Psalm 50:10, “for every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills.”
And He takes pleasure in doing that through His children.

That is why I am writing this post today–to ask you, our readers and supporters, to consider giving a tax-deductible gift to help this family complete their adoption. Edison desperately needs to be with his forever family. Can you help?

Will you contact Joshua Tree Adoptions and tell them you would like to donate to the adoption fund of Edison, from Casa de Fe, Ecuador? Gifts given in Edison’s name will fund his adoption, even if he were to be adopted by a different family.

For the month of August, would you consider giving anything you may have been planning to give to support our ministry, to Edison’s adoption fund? Even if you weren’t thinking of giving to us, would you consider giving even a small gift to help Edison unite with his forever family? Above all, would you commit to pray during the month of August for Edison and his waiting forever family?

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