Hola Vida

I just found these pictures on my computer. I should have shared this two months ago.

 Back in July, we had the privelege of hosting some of our friends from back in the States. The family of three came to work at Casa de Fe, and we also got to do a little site-seeing while they were here.

 One Sunday afternoon, we all traveled to a nearby tourist site–Hola Vida Cascada. (“Hello Life” Waterfall) We took a 20 or 30 minute hike into the jungle.

 Crossing treacherous bridges and rugged terraine, we finally arrived at the base of the gorgeous waterfall.

 My kids are always posing…

 This is about half of our group under/behind the waterfall..
This “tribal” carving was very interesting. However, I’m not sure if it was actually done by an indigenous tribe or if this was carved and placed near the waterfall for the benefit of the tourists.

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