This week I’d like to invite you to share your favourite field-trip that you’ve been able to go on since you’ve started homeschool. I’d encourage you to include photos, but you don’t have to.
Field trips are one of my favorite things about homeschooling. We have enjoyed many fun ones through the years… and a few boring ones too. But probably our favorite field trip was our very first one to Frogmore Plantation. Jesse was in kindergarten. Through our Five in a Row curriculum, we studied slavery and the Civil War. We read many books on the subject including Follow the Drinking Gourd. Jesse practically memorized this book and on his own, made the comparison between American slavery and the Israelites being slaves in Egypt.
I don’t have any pictures of that field trip on the computer, so you’ll have to check out the links to see what we saw.
And since I love field trips, here is a short list of places we would love to visit together: the Grand Canyon; Williamsburg, VA; Philadelphia, PA; Washington, DC; the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans (this one will hopefully happen in the spring). That’s the short list. There are many more places on my “dreaming” list.
Make sure you let me know when you come to DC!!
Those are all on our list, too, except that we did Williamsburg this past year!