Homeschool Memoirs #15–I am Thankful For…

I know I’ve missed a few of these, but I want to get back into the swing of things. Now that my 24/7 strike-when-you-least-expect-it sickness seems to be mostly gone, maybe I’ll be able to keep up better.
From the HSBA site: “This week, you guessed it, is going to be about having a thankful heart! Yes, of course, we should always be thankful for everything we’re blessed with, but it’s not too often we actually sit and ponder what. This week please join me in writing 27 things you’re thankful.”
I am thankful for…
  1. for Jesus, who died for me even though I don’t deserve it.
  2. my husband, who loves me in spite of me.
  3. my son, my first born.
  4. my AJ, my first born daughter.
  5. my AC, my baby girl.
  6. #4, who is scheduled to arrive in June.
  7. for freedom to worship, or not.
  8. for provision, for all our NEEDS.
  9. for the privelege of staying home with my children.
  10. for the freedom to teach my kids at home.
  11. for food in the fridge, freezer & cabinets.
  12. for adequate clothing for my entire family.
  13. for a network of Christian homeschool moms, my friends.
  14. transportation.
  15. hot running water & indoor plumbing.
  16. my washer & dryer. Even though my utility room is NOT inside the house, at least I don’t have to drag our laundry to the creek.
  17. for a church family that loves the Lord.
  18. for the privelege of serving Christ in our local church through Sunday School & student ministry.
  19. for the 30+ kids that are a part of the student ministry.
  20. for the parents & adults that serve on our youth committee & serve as chaperones & help out as needed.
  21. our HEALTH!
  22. living in a mild climate (in the winter, anyway).
  23. for a large extended family, even though we are all “too busy” to hang out like we did when we were kids.
  24. for my network of online friends.
  25. for central heat & air.
  26. for my copy of God’s Word & the freedom to read it whenever I want.
  27. for the privelege of teaching my children about Christ.

So there’s my list. It was a good exercise, I think… to stop & really THINK beyond the first 6 or so on the list that anybody would have said. Wanna read more lists? Check them out here.

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    2 thoughts on “Homeschool Memoirs #15–I am Thankful For…”

    1. Ugh…everyone is getting that bug across the country. I have heard of more families with it then I care to count!

      Did you check out Kristin’s thankful post? Now, I’m off to do mine. 🙂

      Great list!

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