Homeschool Memoirs #19

Now that Christmas is over, I suppose it is time to look ahead to the New Year! It’s hard to believe that 2009 is less than a week away.
So this week we were asked to share our list of goals for the new year. Since I love making lists, here goes:
  1. Establish a devotion time with the children first thing in the morning, at least 5 days/wk.
  2. Memorize more Scripture.
  3. Purchase Creative Memories digital scrapbook software & get my scrapbooks caught up.
  4. Teach AJ (5yo) to read.
  5. Establish a WEEKLY family game night.
  6. Have date nights with my sweet husband at least twice a month.
  7. Learn to ENJOY exercise & do it more often.
  8. Become DEBT-FREE by Dec 2009!!!

Other things we’re looking forward to in 2009… Actually, ALL of these will happen in June 2009 (unless baby comes early). We will welcome our newest addition. DH & I will celebrate 15 years of marital BLISS, and DH will turn 40! All in June, ha!

Check out more lists here. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

3 thoughts on “Homeschool Memoirs #19”

  1. You have a great list of goals there!! I can see many of your goals on my own list, but number 7made me laugh! (…and learn to ENJOY it!!) 😉 Yea, that could also be one of my goals…

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