Homeschool Month in Review–February 2017

It’s hard to believe that we have completed another month of homeschooling. This semester and year are flying by. I console myself (this month) with the fact that February is a short month.

Even so, we managed to accomplish a few good things in our homeschool. I hope reading what we’ve done and plan to do inspires you to continue on in your own homeschool, to try new things, and to “keep moving forward”.

What We Accomplished…

Morning Meeting:

We begin our day with Bible reading. We’ve been reading a chapter a day, and the kids write one verse from each chapter as copywork into their binders. In February, we read Acts 1-20.

We’ve been using flash cards from English from the Roots Up. So far, the kids have learned 20 Latin and Greek roots.

We also use flash cards for Spanish. For the girls, it’s review of basic vocabulary. For CD11, it’s all brand new. He’s catching on fast and is enjoying it.


We still only managed to complete formal grammar lessons once a week, Mad Libs included.


Everyone is still making progress in their respective curriculums. AC10 is in love with Teaching Textbooks and is planning to finish early.


We completed Unit II and began Unit III in George Washington’s World, and we added to our timeline. 


We completed our solar system and Earth study and are moving on to rocks and geology. This was another one of those “perfect timings”, because my brother just returned from South Carolina and gifted the kids with rocks from a real gold mine.

Artist Study:

We completed our study of Monet and have begun learning about John James Audubon. This has inspired my little people to spend more time outside, and I love that! We’re reading this biography that I found on our bookshelf.

Composer Study:

We completed our Bach study and moved on to Beethoven. We’re listening to his works on YouTube and reading this biography.

Just for Fun:

We enjoyed our homeschool group’s Valentine skate party, and we volunteered at the Toby Mac concert. 

What We Plan to Accomplish in March…

I mentioned last month that some of my girls still need one-on-one attention in reading & spelling. I’ve tweaked our schedule just a bit to make room for this. From 8am-9am each day, I work one-on-one with AG7. We’ve completed All About Reading Level 1, and we’re working on Level 2. The “big kids” work independently during that hour, and then we meet together for Morning Meeting at 9. I teach, and the kids work on group projects until 11am when they go back to working on independent assignments. I’m amazed at how well this is working…so far! We’re actually accomplishing a lot more in a lot less time.

Morning Meeting:

We’ll continue as we are with the addition of Catechism. We’ve taken a break from it, but it’s time to get back. 

We’ll also finish the last eight chapters of Acts. We’ll probably move on to Philippians, per one of the kids’ request.

Grammar & Math:

For Grammar, I hope to work it in more often. Our current math programs are working well for everyone, so we won’t make any changes there.

History & Science:

With our new schedule and sticking to the Charlotte Mason ideals of short lessons, I’m finding we’re able to complete lessons in both history and science on a daily basis. We’ll continue to do these Monday through Thursday.

Artist & Composer Study + Shakespeare

These are our “Fun Friday” topics. This month, we’re studying Audubon and Beethoven. We’re also memorizing Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18. I’m so glad that we’ve MADE the time to include these studies.

Other Fun Stuff:

The kids’ cousin will be visiting from Texas for three days in the middle of the month, and our homeschool group is taking a three-day field trip to the Mississippi Gulf Coast at the end of the month. We’re so excited!

I’m so very thankful for the blessing of homeschooling!

How about you? I’d love to hear what’s going on in your homeschool. What did you do in February? What are you planning to do in March?


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