Here we are at the end of another month of homeschooling. By the time this is posted, we’ll have only two weeks left of this school year.
What We Accomplished…
Morning Meetings
Morning Meetings remain one of my favorite parts of the day. Beginning the day together with a focus on Scripture and other memory work sets the tone for the school day.
- Latin & Greek using English from the Roots Up, we’ve managed to learn 24 root words.
- Bible: We memorized Psalm 100.
- Spanish: We’ve spent this morning reviewing vocabulary related to families (Ex: madre=mother).
- Catechism: We’re up to #56
- Grammar: We’ve memorized all the English prepositions!
Grammar, Math, History & Science
Everyone is continuing at their own pace in their math curriculums. One super-motivated student has completed this year’s math and is chomping at the bit to get started on next year’s. We’re using Math U See, Teaching Textbooks, and 2+2 is not 5.
For history, we’re continuing through George Washington’s World, adding to our timeline, and reading other books from the library that go along with what we’re reading. A few of the books we’ve enjoyed this month are Farmer George Plants a Nation and Master George’s People.
Using Considering God’s Creation, we’ve been learning about the plant kingdom. We’ve done experiments related to photosynthesis and growing fungus (mold & mildew). We were able to observe an unplanned experiment on the subject when mustard algae overtook our pool. Fortunately, one dose of algaecide took care of that.
Artist & Composer Study
We haven’t studied a specific artist this month, but we have been adding to our nature journals and working on our own drawing skills.
Our chosen composer for the month was Franz Joseph Haydn. It seems this year’s homeschool theme could have been “Using What’s on My Shelf”, because I just found this great resource I forgot we had called Stories of the Great Composers. The book covers 13 composers, and there is a short chapter dedicated to each. The book also contains a CD of music samples of each composer.
Field Trips & Fun!
The weather is warming up here, and we’ve been busy getting the pool ready and playing on water slides. Our homeschool group spent an afternoon in a local park, and we spent Spring Break with our southern California friends who paid us a visit.
JC20 performed in our local little theater’s production of Mary Poppins, so we got to see it. We visited the theater during several practices, dress rehearsal and finally, our homeschool group took a field trip and watched the full production.
What We Plan to Accomplish in May…
We’re going to wrap up our school year by the middle of the month. Those that aren’t finished with their math curriculum will continue to work on it daily into the summer (30 minutes or so) until they’re done. We’ll continue to read good books and explore the great outdoors. Cross Country practice begins soon! And I’m sure I’ll be busy planning some fun things to do in the summer.
What about you? How was your homeschoool month? Did you accomplish all that you hoped? Are you finding new ways to make homeschooling fun? Tell me all about it in the comments below.