Homeschool Mother’s Journal

The Homeschool Mother's Journal 

In my life this week… Okay, am I the only mom that has to look back at her planner to remember what we did over the past week? We spent the 4th of July with our Sunday School class and their families. Tuesday, I treated a friend to lunch at one of my favorite restaurants. She had never been so it was great fun! Wednesday and Thursday were normal days of not much going on. Friday, Hubby and I spent the afternoon with another couple while our “Super Nanny Shelly” kept ALL of our kids (8 total). Saturday morning, we attended a picnic for “resource parents”, aka foster parents. And we spent the evening at a 7-year-old’s birthday party–a pool party!

In our homeschool this week… I’m still making plans, mostly in my head, to get back at it–probably next week…

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share… One day at a time…and I am totally serious about that!

I am inspired by… The Duggars. I just got their new book from Amazon and hope to find time to read it this week.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing… Hubby and JC14 will be attending a student leadership camp this week, so the girls and I will be hanging out doing girly things. Actually, I hope to potty train AG2 and get the house clean. Ambitious plans for one week, eh?!

My favorite thing this week was… having more adult hang-out time than usual

Questions/thoughts I have… Will life ever slow down?

Things I’m working on…Plans for the new school year

I’m reading… Accelerated Distance Learning

I’m grateful for… Christian friends that refuse to become stagnant in their faith!
I’m praying for… Lots of lost people–my boys while they’re away this week–girls from church that will be attending Blume–clear direction in my personal ministry–We Will Go Ministries–teenagers from a different church that are attending camp at Panama City Beach this week–for future foster children that will come into our home–for a friend to receive good news at her ultrasound tomorrow–for a fresh anointing on Hubby as he preaches tonight

For more peeks into the lives of homeschooling families, check out The Homeschool Chick!

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