In my life this week… I am tired. I thought the homeschool life was supposed to be the simple life. Not so around here. With eight children in our care, SOMEone always has SOMEthing. Tuesdays are crazy. We have speech for AC4, then JC14 and AJ7 have piano, then DM5 has speech. Add in banking, library and other errands, and you’ve got an exhausting day. JC14 and AJ7 are in a play, and that takes us out of the house two nights a week (3x’s a wk starting next week), plus church and Bible study and well… I am looking for a way to slow down! Any ideas?
In our homeschool this week… Yeah, we’re also having a tough time getting back into the swing of things. Last week was spring break. DH & JC14 got back from Ecuador Sunday night. No formal schooling happened on Monday, but we’ve gradually progressed toward a normal school day… But the weather….it’s just so wonderful…and who wants to be stuck inside in weather like this anyway? But hold on a minute. Just because we’re outside doesn’t mean we’re not learning. Quite the contrary, actually. The kids have learned new games. They’ve found new flowers and bugs. They’ve learned to work together to get things done. JC14 even built a table to put his Ecuadorian chess board on.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing… Today is a homeschool fun day! I am having lunch with a friend, and then we are meetin DH and the kids at the park for the rest of the afternoon.
My favorite thing this week was… getting DH & JC14 safely back from Ecuador. AND moving our chrysalids to the butterfly habitat. I can’t wait for the kids to see them emerge as butterflies! (I really need to take pics of our project!)
What’s working/not working for us… Our schedule needs to be tweaked….again… Why is it that just when you think you have it all figured out a child’s needs change? One needs more attention; another is able to work more independently. Or maybe it’s just me… You know, ‘Plan your work and work your plan.’ Maybe I haven’t been working my plan so well these days… But who can concentrate when the weather is so nice outside?!
Homeschool questions/thoughts I have… Any other moms suffering from spring fever?
A photo, video, link, or quote to share… If you’re interested in butterflies, bugs and such, check out Insect Lore.
I love Insect Lore. We have done the Butterfly Habitat and the Ant Farm. Fun stuff!
Yes…serious spring fever here!! Especially since we have all been sick for a few weeks now!
Glad to meet another mom who has 8 kids to keep track of LOL! Hope to get to know you better in the future!
Thanks for visiting my blog this morning and the suggestion of a student planner
I'm gonna look into that.
We just ordered our Painted Lady caterpillars yesterday. I noticed your in Mississippi? What part? I'm in Byram (just south of Jackson)
April, we are just a little farther south right outside Brookhaven. It's a small world!
We're always tweaking our schedule and curriculum. My daughter likes change as well. I don't know how you manage with so many kids in your care. Kudos to you. I'm so ready for spring. Do you garden with the kids? Maybe you could plan one of those. that would keep you outside during school…
We are constantly working on our schedule and plan. I guess it's a constant adjustment. We struggle with three on the autism spectrum, so it makes it really difficult most days. Attention spans just are not there.
THe girls and I are struggling with spring fever!! Want to get out and it's so cold!! The sun keeps teasing us here. I've been trying to combat some inside cleaning and cracking opening a few windows when the sun is out high.
Praying for a warm up soon!
Spring fever, yes! Enjoy it, and just take the schoolwork outside if you can.
I have spring fever big time. I want to take our "summer" break now, and get back to school during the hot weather, but the kids want traditional summer break. We have been trying to get some school done every day and enjoying the weather as well. It's working.