Homeschool Mother’s Journal

The Homeschool Mother's Journal
In my life this week… Today is Day 9 of being home alone with seven children, ages 7 and under! Hubby & JC(14) are in Ecuador on a Spring Break mission trip to Casa de Fe. Their flight home leaves tomorrow morning!

In our homeschool this week… It is actually spring break here, so we have managed to do a little reading/reading practice and practice speech lessons with the two that are in speech therapy. We also got ALOT of sunshine!

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing… We have had a bit of company this week–our favorite babysitter & a couple of cousins. We haven’t been anywhere except church and the playground. It’s been kinda nice to not have tons of appointments, practices (2 are in a play), therapies (2 in speech) and lessons (2 in piano).

My favorite thing this week was… being able to stay home most of the time.

What’s working/not working for us… For once, the time change is working in my favor. The kids are actually sleeping half an hour to an hour later in the mornings. Since it is still fairly dark at 7 am, they are staying in bed til at least 7:30!! YAY!

Homeschool questions/thoughts I have… Math? I loved Math-U-See with my firstborn (14), but it’s not working so well for the 7 year old. I’m not sure if it’s me or her or the program… I didn’t like saxon with JC, but I am thinking it may be a better fit for AJ…

This is my first time posting on this meme. If you’d like to see more Homeschool Mother’s Journals, check them out at The Homeschool Chick.

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    3 thoughts on “Homeschool Mother’s Journal”

    1. Thanks for stopping by, this was my first week as well!!!! We love McRuffy Math!!!!! Another option we thought about getting was Miquon Math and next year I will be starting Teaching Textbooks with my oldest. It was so hard settling on a Math program, we started with Horizon and I H-A-T-E-D it!!!!!! Keep us posted on what you chose, there is so much to chose from, lol!!!

    2. We just finished up our spring break…it was wonderful 🙂

      We tried MUS 2x with my oldest…I really, really wanted to like it but it just didn't fit. After trying a couple other math currics we found CLE Math…and we have stuck with it for 2 years now 🙂

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