Homeschool Mother’s Journal–#2 of 2012

In my life this week… Okay, over the past 3 weeks, actually… We have been busy little bees around here. We have 5–count ’em, 5–fundraisers coming up over the next FOUR months.
1. Feb 9: Smoked Chicken Plates. A local catering business has volunteered their services to prepare smoked chicken, baked beans, coleslaw & yeast rolls as a fundraiser for our trip. Tickets are $7 each!
2. March 3: Car Wash! Our family and one or two more will be washing cars at a local bank in our town. Donations only.
3. April 1: 18×24 Portrait Giveaway! During February and March, we are selling raffle tickets for a FREE custome family caricature portrait to be given away by JC14 and AJ8’s art teacher. One of her students does the drawing and she does the painting. This is a $250 value & tickets are $10 each. One lucky winner will be drawn April 1st. This could work for out-of-town folks as well since she works from photographs.
4. April 14: Casa de Fe 5K! A friend from church is organizing a 5K and a one-mile fun run to be held downtown. Pre-registration is $25 and includes a t-shirt. Kids are $20 and they also get a t-shirt.
5. May 4-5: Gigantic yard sale! That is, if we have anything left. Our friends are claiming things daily. 😉 We don’t mind.
I’ve started sorting through our homeschool supplies/curriculum, and I have several things to sell. I have most listed on our Ecuador Plan page.
In our homeschool this week… We are trucking right along, trying hard to stay on a schedule that would allow us to pack up the first week in May.
I am inspired by… Ann Voskamp’s 1000 Things. I plan to start my list here soon.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing… Wow! We have been many places lately including a trip to attend meetings with our sending agency in Kentucky, and just yesterday, we visited two different churches to share about the work being done at Casa de Fe. I don’t think we have anywhere special to go this week though.
My favorite thing this week was… overhearing my teen boy read a book to the toddler girl (without my asking). And having giggly girls in the back of the van as we drove around town today selling chicken plates.
Questions/thoughts I have… I am thinking of starting another blog to keep missionary stuff separate, but I don’t know if I should since I struggle to keep this one going… What would you do? Would you keep one blog and worked harder at keeping it organized/labeled? Or would you start a separate blog?
Things I’m working on… decluttering, organizing, packing, fundraising.
I’m reading… still plugging along with 1000 Things, planning to finish it this week.
I’m cooking… anything gluten-free. I am really enjoying the blog a friend shared with me recently, Gluten-Free Fix.
I’m grateful for… GRACE!
I’m praying for… a lot of people around me that need clear direction/discernment and His continued provision…
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
Wherever you are, be all there.
~Jim Elliot~
Interested in seeing what other homeschool families have been up to this week? Check out The Homeschool Mother’s Journal over at The Homeschool Chick!

2 thoughts on “Homeschool Mother’s Journal–#2 of 2012”

  1. ONE BLOG!! Believe me – blogging is about YOUR life not different subjects. I've learned this the hard way.

    So very excited for all your family is doing!! Praying for you with each thought. Lots of love!


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