In our homeschool this week… Slow and steady… There have been A LOT of distractions and disruptions to book work. I am learning to be flexible.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing… We have a big fundraiser going on this week. We have been selling chicken plates, and we will be delivering about 400 of them this Thursday. The kids will be helping. I love that they can be included in everything that we do.
My favorite thing this week was… Walking/running with Hubby. Our goal is three walks a week. We are up to 1.5 miles, and I am jogging bits and pieces. I should say *I* am up to 1.5 miles. Hubby is fit and could easily walk another 1.5 miles. He has run in several 5Ks, and he actually enjoys it. I am trying…
Questions/thoughts I have… Can anyone help me add a “reply” button to the comments section of my blog? I have googled it and tried several times, but I can’t get it to work. Help?!
Things I’m working on… SELF-DISCIPLINE…ugh! I want to be fit when we get to Ecuador. We will walk a mile TO Casa de Fe every day and mile back home every day. I really NEED to be in a shape other than round. 
I’m grateful for… sunshine! It’s been really rainy here for nearly a week, and the sun is shining today. I am grateful!
A photo, video, link, or quote to share… The video tutorial from the Mommypotamus that taught us to make coconut milk! 
How to Make Coconut Milk from Daniel Dessinger on Vimeo.
Curious to see what’s going on with other homeschool moms this week? Head over to The Homeschool Chick to find out!
What a wonderful commitment to prepare for the mission field. I will keep you in my prayers. All the best to you and your family as you get fit and healthy for your journey.
@Mama Ruby Hey, look at that! I do have a "reply" button. I just didn't know it.
Thanks for stopping by & thanks so much for your prayers. I'm heading out to walk now!
@StephFUgh! But my reply didn't show up as a reply. It showed up as a new comment. Anyone have advice here?