In my life this week… I logged a whole five miles of walking this week, and I got a new pair of running shoes (on sale, of course).
Thursday, our family sold chicken plates donated by a friend’s catering company–425 of them! We earned nearly a month’s living expenses for Ecuador!!
This weekend Hubby and I served as small group leaders for a nearby church’s Disciple Now (youth retreat) weekend. It is always time well-spent to be in the Word, and it is especially refreshing to do so with other believers.
We spoke at a neighboring church Sunday night to share about our upcoming work in Ecuador. We are excited that this church is planning to bring a short-term team down in 2013.
We also packed our first box to bring to Ecuador–47 pounds of Christmas and miscellaneous items that we won’t be needing any time soon. Hubby and JC14 (almost 15!) will take this box, and hopefully two more, when they go for ten days in March.
In our homeschool this week… The kids learned a lot about service as they helped to set up and clean up on Thursday. They also helped in the assembly line to put the plates together.
Questions/thoughts I have… Does anyone have Teaching Textbooks Geometry and/or Algebra II for sale? I’m hoping to buy it used before we leave in May.
Things I’m working on… lists, lists and more lists… Lists of things to buy, things to sell, things to pack, things to give-away, things to do…
I’m cooking… potato soup on this cold and rainy night. And making gluten-free rice krispie treats and fruit dip for our homeschool group’s Valentine party tomorrow.
I’m grateful for… each moment… or at least, I want to be…
I’m praying for… grace!
A photo, video, link, or quote to share… These are the plates we served Thursday. They also included homemade yeast rolls! YUM!
Curious to see what’s going on with other homeschool moms this week?
I am glad to see that God is blessing your mission efforts! I am stopping by from THMJ. Have a great week!
@RachelTThanks for stopping by!