We are slowly and steadily de-cluttering our home and deciding what is worth packing to take with us to Ecuador and what needs to be tossed, given away or sold. There is a list of homeschool items and more on our Ecuador Plans page.
We have spoken at neighboring churches the past two Sundays sharing the work the Lord is doing at Casa de Fe and how we are going to be a part of it. I am still in awe that He would allow someone like me to serve Him!
On Sunday, my first-born turned 15! Bittersweet. I feel like the countdown has begun. He’ll be grown and gone in no time at all, and I plan to do all I can to savor each moment between now and then.
On Friday, at our monthly homeschool group’s Park Day, his friends (& their moms) surprised him with a birthday cake and a gift. He was totally surprised!! The gift was WipeOut 2 for the XBox Kinect. He’s had his eye on it for a while.
In our homeschool this week… JC15 works fairly independently. His least favorite thing is still writing, so I am trying to carve out some time each day to help with that. On a positive note, he has decided that he would like to major in History, which is really not surprising because he LOVES all things history. He hopes to work in a creation-based museum one day.
The girls are progressing beautifully. I am taking my own advice and attempting to savor each moment. I’m trying not to rush it all away, learning to live in the moment.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share… Enjoy it. It will be over before you know it. Learning is the goal, not filling up workbook pages or finishing textbooks.
I am inspired by… other moms in our homeschool group, especially those that have children ages and stages ahead of mine.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing… This week should be a mostly quiet one. We have the usual scouts and piano on the schedule, but not too much else. Next Saturday, our family will be washing cars to earn money for Ecuador!
My favorite thing this week was… seeing my boy blush when the entire homeschool group began singing Happy Birthday to him! 
Questions/thoughts I have… Does anyone have Teaching Textbooks Algebra II or Geometry to sell? We need to buy it before we leave.
Things I’m working on… organizing, packing, sorting, planning for Ecuador.
I’m reading… teacher’s manuals, ha. No time for pleasure reading these days.
I’m grateful for… God’s provision.
I’m praying for… God’s continued provision.
Check out more journals or link up your own at The Homeschool Chick!
Happy 15th birthday! Wow, if he is 15, we have been online friends for a lot of years – at least 10 I think!!