Homeschool Mother’s Journal

In my life this week… I discovered that AG(almost2) that suffers from eczema has a very real allergy to STRAWBERRIES! Ack! One of my favorite things on the planet. Hubby brought home a flat of fresh berries the other day. I was so excited! I washed them & left them in the sink to dry. Hubby stayed home with the youngest two while I took the oldest two to piano practice. I got a phone call informing me that after eating a few berries, AG’s eczema was flaming red and she complained that her throat hurt. Enter Benadryl and eczema cream. Poor baby… Why can’t she be allergic to MSG? or high fructose corn syrup? or some other chemical that we don’t need?

In our homeschool this week… We finished up Apologia’s Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day. We have already raised our butterflies, so now we are working on fun butterfly projects for our homeschool group’s Project Achievement night which is coming up soon.
I am beginning to plan JC(14)’s freshman year of high school, if only in my mind at this point.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing… Wonka practice 3 nights/week! This weekend is our churchwide Easter celebration with music programs, lunch, an egg hunt and a bounce house for the kiddos!
Saturday is a day of missions. Hubby and the oldest will be taking a group to do some work at a nearby homeless shelter. AJ(7) and I will be attending GA Mission Madness where we will learn about local and foreign missions and meet missionaries.

My favorite thing this week was… This has been a good week, other than adding STRAWBERRIES to our list of no-no’s for AG(almost2). I don’t think there has been a single, stand out favorite thing. Although, I plan for today to be my favorite thing. Rain is in the forecast, and the kids brought home a couple movies from the library. I also have a couple of chapter books I’ve been wanting to read with the kids. Today just might be the day for that! And aside from hair cuts this afternoon, we don’t have anything on the calendar!! 🙂

What’s working/not working for us… Super Star Speech is going great! I am so glad I bought it.
Food allergies are NOT working for us!

Homeschool questions/thoughts I have… My thought this week is “have fun”. I know that not all things in life are fun, but I think we can make not-so-pleasant things more enjoyable with the right attitude. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit, and I should strive to have more of it.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

Wherever you are–be all there. -Jim Elliot

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