Homeschool Mother’s Journal

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week… It’s been a tough week emotionally. Suffice it to say that our extra four children are no longer in our care. As hard as it is, we are trusting God’s Word… Romans 8:28, Jeremiah 29:11 We are still licensed foster parents, so we are enjoying our four while we wait on the Lord’s next assignment.

In our homeschool this week… After a couple days at the beginning of the week to decompress, we are back on track getting lots of schoolwork done. We acquired two goats to add to our mini-farm. Vanilla Bean is due to deliver next week, and Cinderella is on loan to keep her company until she delivers. Oh, and our butterflies have emerged from their chrysalids!

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing… No field trips this week. We’ve been busy with the 3 nights/week practice for Willy Wonka! But we are going Saturday to see Hubby’s family in Baton Rouge… and to get the A/C fixed in the mini-van.

My favorite thing this week was… watching AJ7 play “school” with her little sisters. She was tryin to teach phonics to her 22 month old sister. And my other favorite thing was getting caught up on laundry.

What’s working/not working for us… The rainy weather was definitely NOT working for us, but the sun is shining today…so that is GOOD!

Homeschool questions/thoughts I have… I am still contemplating a new math curriculum for AJ7. I think I have found what I am looking for in Christian Light’s 1st grade math. I’m planning to buy it at the state homeschool conference & let her work with it through the summer.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

  Our goats–Vanilla Bean & Cinderella
One of our five butterflies that emerged this week.
For more Homeschool Mother’s Journal, head over to the Homeschool Chick!

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    6 thoughts on “Homeschool Mother’s Journal”

    1. Sounds like a pretty good week 🙂 The butterflies are pretty! If I'm counting correctly, it looks like all 5 caterpillars made it to the butterfly stage? That's great!

    2. The butterflies are beautiful! Our weather hasn't been too pleasant either. I am definitely ready for more sunshine! Blessings!

    3. That is wonderful that you've taken some foster children under your care. I am sorry to hear that they will be leaving too. I hope you were able to teach them good things about Our Lord!

    4. stopping by from the HMJ linky. last week i caught my six year old reading to her baby sister who is one. dont you love moments like that, but the ones where the bigger ones are playing teacher are just priceless. hope you will stop by and say hello.

    5. Stephanie, I am believing God that the seeds you have sewn into the lives of those precious four will reap an enormous harvest in their lives and in the life of their family. God bless and comfort you, friend!

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