As missionaries, we will have to raise our own support so we have been busy brainstorming ideas and working on lists of friends and family that may be willing to help us. I have been overwhelmed by the friends that have offered great ideas, their time and talent to help us put together fundraisers.
For the past three days, hubby and I have been out of town attending a youth pastor’s conference/retreat. It is held at a beautiful lake in the northeast part of the state. It is always a great time of rest and refreshment in the Lord. We also enjoy the fellowship of other minister’s and their wives that we don’t get to see often. This year, I was asked to lead the wives’ conference. Thankfully, it was only two sessions long and very thankfully, the Lord gave me the words to share.
In our homeschool this week…ahem, the past three weeks… We have been pressing on. Everyone is making great progress. JC14 is improving his writing skills and is working diligently. AJ8 is improving reading and math skills. She is quickly becoming my “right-hand girl”. AC5 is improving in her speech therapy, speaking more clearly and beginning phonics. AG2 is learning self-control and learning to “work” independently for longer stretches while I work with her sisters. We having lots of fun (& just a little stress) with our review products from The Old Schoolhouse.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share… I can’t say it enough–One day at a time, Sweet Jesus!
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing… Well, since we are approaching Thanksgiving week, our plans are a little different than usual. For Thanksgiving, we will be at our church serving Thanksgiving dinner to whomever shows up. Our church has decided to give our Thanksgiving meal away, so to speak. We are publicizing a FREE Thanksgiving dinner to anyone that wants to come and hoping those in need in our community will take advantage of the offer.
My favorite thing this week was… Spending time with Hubby at the conference.
Things I’m working on… TOS Reviews, missionary newsletter, lists of what to keep, lists of what to sell, lists of what to pack, lists of stuff to do before May!!
I’m grateful for… God’s provision.
I’m praying for… continued provision as we work to raise support for our stay in Ecuador.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share… our latest family photos. Which do you like best?
Don’t forget to check out The Homeschool Chick for more Homeschool Mother’s Journals!
How in the world did I miss a moving to Ecuador announcement??? How exciting and scary all rolled into one.
I love both family pictures, but the one on top is my favorite. I think everyone just looks a little bit sweeter in that one!!
Tammy, I dont know HOW you missed it! I like the one on top too, but Jeff liked the bottom. He won! :-/ I'll be posting our "prayer cards" soon!